Saturday, April 4, 2009

Say Cheese!

We are taking the little cousins for pics in the park tomorrow.
If all goes well, I will post some tomorrow afternoon! :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Blast Off!

That's the new game Alex has taught Nicolas. Alex will do a countdown from 10, making Nic repeat every number (and most he gets right!)... and then after Alex says 1, Nic yells "Blast off!"
And then jump around the room. It's really too cute.

* * * * * * * * *

Well, crazy us decided to try the heated pool this morning. It was warmer than frigid, but I am not sure I would call it "heated"... We only stayed for about 30 minutes, then Nic starting turning blue. Not really of course. :) It was nice to play around for a bit. We will be going every Sunday morning as long as the weather permits.

The kids are now in the shower and Nic just about fully defrosted. We will be having a PB&J lunch, and then I have dinner to plan and cook. I am thinking chicken, but we will see.

Our goal this week is to have a salad each night, and then a little something on the side; maybe a baked potato, or mini-bun-less cheese burgers. It's so tough to eat even half-way healthy on a budget. But we are trying.

Make it a great day!


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Oh, we will be sore in the morning!

What a great day! We rode our bikes to a park a few miles away (maybe 2?) and really enjoyed the beautiful weather. The ride was great going there - and tough coming back! lol...

The kids had a ball. I am a bit pink! ;) And Marcos did a great job toting Nic in his new trailer.

After our ride and our Subway lunch, I went with my girlfriend, Lisa, to Old Navy. We bought a few summer dresses and tank tops! It was sooo much fun to be around her. We hadn't seen each other in a while. She has a 13 year old son, too. That's how we met, in fact. They were friends first. Anyway, we had a blast.

I went and picked up some last minute things for Isabel's first Softball practice which is on Tuesday... and then Isabel and I did some grocery shopping.

It's been a long and enjoyable day!

I am happy.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Nic's New Ride

Marcos took Nic shopping this morning.

Nic was happy!

Nic says "Safety First!"

Nic wants to know where the gas pedal is!

We will let you know how our first ride goes (it's scheduled for the morning.)

BS 2: A Work in Progress

I am excited to announce that we paid off two more credit cards this morning.
This getting out of debt stuff is hard work - but oh-so-worth it.
I honestly don't look at credit cards in the same light anymore. I know how much it hurts to pay the suckers off - charging just doesn't sound much like fun anymore.

Lesson learned!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Almost, but not Quite

I got three numbers on the Arizona Lottery last night; the Pick.


$3 richer!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

He Survived

and so did I!

Nicolas did an awesome job at daycare yesterday! He didn't really want to leave!

Let's see how today goes!

Last night I took the kids out to Taco Bell for dinner as a treat. We then stopped by one of our (many) old neighborhoods and called on a friend and her son. Alexander and her son (also Alexander) were friends in the 4th or 5th grade.

It was REALLY nice to see her - we made plans for some Old Navy shopping in the very near future.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Notary, anyone?

Man, trying to find a notary these days is like pulling teeth; it hurts! I bank with several well-known institutions, but one of them, when calling the branch, says they will do it - they just don't open until 9am. And when I called their Customer Service number, they claim they do not notarize non-bank paperwork. O.K.

So, I am going to turn my sights on to the other bank, where I know there will be a fee (isn't there always?) - but at least they open at 8am.

Today is the first day of "preschool" for Nicolas. We have to have a medical form notarized and on file for him.

I wonder if this kid really appreciates all that we do for him! ;)


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Weekend

We spent Saturday with my parents and my cousin and her family... at the Renaissance Festival. It was a beautiful day in the desert and we had a really good time. The festival is about 30 miles east of Phoenix, near the Superstition Mountains. The views are spectacular and the weather was amazing.

Here are some pics:

On Sunday (today), it was just me and the kids - I made chocolate chip pancakes (at their insistence) for breakfast, then Mac n' Cheese with hamburger meat for lunch, and then chicken (baked in the crock pot for hours) with broccoli and then homemade baked cinnamon apples.

The kids played outside for a while; practicing playing catch. Isabel starts softball on March 31st. We are very excited about that. It last for 8 weeks. Once it's over, I think we are going to look into tumbling. I saw a place just around the corner from us.

Nicolas starts a new daycare / preschool tomorrow. I hope it's a great fit.

Well, it's Sunday night and as usual I feel that I have accomplished nothing! I wish our lives were more organized. It's something we are working on for sure.
